Privacy Policy
When you use "Florence Media Apps" Mobile applications on Android,
we do not retrieve or store any personal information about you. We do
check if certain application is installed on your phone before we
display an advertisement for the application (To avoid displaying
advertisement for an app that is already on your phone)
We use google admob and facebook audience network for advertisements in our applications. Remember, though, there could be errors in the programming, and sometime programming errors may cause unwanted side effect
Thank You........
We use google admob and facebook audience network for advertisements in our applications. Remember, though, there could be errors in the programming, and sometime programming errors may cause unwanted side effect
Thank You........
What did I do wrong sorry if I did did not under stand
ReplyDeleteI need a code
ReplyDeleteI need a code
ReplyDeleteRavi i need a code
ReplyDeleteAn older version
ReplyDeleteGraham gurikar12355678990
ReplyDeleteIbrahim gurikar
ReplyDelete1234567890X*** sex
DeleteTeton Rod in femur complications - Titanium Art
ReplyDeleteTeton titanium 3d printer Rod In femur infiniti pro rainbow titanium flat iron complications is a traditional wet-stone titanium anodizing wet-stone, and a traditional titanium blue ps4 controller solid-steel hypoallergenic titanium earrings rod.